Jeffrey Katz, D.D.S.
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What is a Pediatric Dentist and what do they do?
Pediatric dentists look into the oral health and the tooth problems of children from the early stage of infancy to the teens. They are specialized to look after the children’s teeth, mouth, and gums in the early years.
Children develop their first tooth as early as 6months and are recommended to be checked by a pediatric dentist by the age of one so that their oral care can be started subsequently. When children turn 6 or 7 they start to lose their teeth that are replaced by secondary and permanent teeth.

Without proper oral care, children face teeth decay and various diseases that can turn into major problems in the later stages of their life. For this purpose, a pediatric dentist plays a very vital role in a child’s oral development.
Benefits that Pediatric dentists offer to children
Choosing a pediatric dentist over a regular dentist has the following benefits:
- Since they specialize in child oral care, they understand what a child feels like when they visit the dentist hence they ensure that children become calm and relax during the appointment.
- A pediatric dentist specializes in the care of young jaw and teeth that a regular dentist might lack. Hence a pediatric dentist will ensure that they provide a better solution, safer environment, and a comfortable solution to the child’s oral problems.
- Pediatric dentists are better suited to offer help in terms of habits like tooth sucking or pacifiers and can provide viable solutions that will deal with these issues in a better way.
- A child goes through a lot of changes in their growth from the time of birth to adult life so does the jaw of a child. A pediatric dentist knows these changes and development/growth phases well hence is in a better position to guide and offer better solutions.
How old are Pediatric dentists’ patients?
A pediatric dentist typically sees children from the age of 6 months to 13-14 years when they develop adult teeth. It is recommended to take an infant for a dental checkup when the first tooth pops up so that the dentist may give information about preventive care and also diagnose tongue ties which can delay speaking ability in the child.
A toddler may have to see a pediatric dentist to be informed about oral care and see the health of their teeth and can detect any tooth-related problems. A school-going kid has a high risk of getting tooth decay and tooth diseases hence sealants etc can be offered to such kids who might develop cavities.
Many children continue seeing pediatric dentists till the teenage years since the pediatric dentists are more familiar with the issues that teenagers faced with regards to oral health care.
What Types of Treatments Do Pediatric Dentists Provide?
A pediatric dentist provides the following treatments:
- Oral examination for cavities in infant and mother and to determine the extent of risk that they both have of developing it
- Preventive dental care includes proper cleaning and fluoride treatments in addition to diet recommendations so that oral health cannot be affected
- Counseling for infant habits like tooth sucking or pacifiers or tongue-tie if a child has so that the action can be taken accordingly
- Correcting improper bites and straightening teeth
- Repairing tooth cavities and defects that have developed in babies, toddlers, or teenagers
- In addition to these, a pediatric dentist provides dental cleaning, X-rays or laser dentistry, tooth-colored fillings, stainless steel crowns, early orthodontic care, extractions, sealants and fluoride treatments and space maintainers, etc.
- Care for dental surgeries like fractures, displacement, or knocked-out teeth
Pediatric vs Regular Dentists
The major difference between the two is that a pediatric dentist specializes in dentistry for children and infants whereas a regular dentist does not. They have more training and are more qualified to work in kid’s related oral problems while a general dentist doesn’t have this expertise.
Besides, kids get uncomfortable with the dental appliances used by general dentists since they are very big and can scare the kids very easily. However, on the other hand, a pediatric dentist has the right set of equipment perfectly suited for kids. In addition, the qualifications of a pediatric dentist and a general dentist are pretty much the same except the pediatric dentist needs to additionally study and train themselves for a 2-3 years program that is specifically designed for pediatric dentistry.
Finding the right pediatric dentist
When looking for a pediatric dentist it is important to take into consideration the following factors:
- A fun and welcoming environment for the kids should be there for kids at the dentist clinic so that kids do not fear going to the dentist’s appointment. Pediatric dentists ensure that their clinic uses bright colors and have a happy vibe coming from their clinic so that kids feel comfortable. In addition to it, the people in the clinic are welcoming and create a positive environment for the kids and do not have a long wait time.
- The pediatric dentist should know the various procedures that are required to treat children be it basic or advanced. In addition to performing basic procedural dental/oral care of your child, he/she should be able to perform basic prophylaxis and should be able to do complex procedures as well like sedations and s.
- Additionally, a pediatric dentist clinic should be well equipped with the necessary equipment to treat the children. For example, if a child has ASD then he requires certain tools like the oxygen tank, pulse oximeter, intubation, and papoose board should be readily available.
- The clinic of the dentist should not be far away from your home as in case of any emergency you need not have to travel a long distance.
- You must see the qualifications and necessary certifications when choosing a dentist for your child and shouldn’t hesitate in asking questions that are important so that you can clear away the ambiguities that may arise later.
- Children are at a high risk of tooth decay and tooth-related diseases so the dentist must take preventive measures in making these unhealthy conditions develop. Precautionary treatments such as sealants and fluoride treatment should be done by the dentist to prevent these unhealthy conditions to take place.
- At last, you should ask your family and friends about a reliable dentist before choosing one for your child so that you can go to someone with a reference and get an office tour to know about the equipment and hygiene level in the clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do pediatric dentists do?
A pediatric dentist specializes in child dentistry and related oral care issues of children. They work in a kid-friendly environment and they have specialized training in kids-related problems and have the necessary equipment and tools to treat kids comfortably and make it a fun experience.
How to make a same-day appointment with a Pediatric Dentist in Queens?
Patients in Queen NY can make same-day appointment requests with a pediatric dentist and see the dentist within 24 hours. Same-day appointments are very much available with the dentist; all you need to do is search for the dentist who accepts your insurance and make your appointment online and can visit the same day to be treated.
How can I find a female Pediatric Dentist?
You can easily search for a female dentist in Queens by searching for it on Google where you can mention your preferences like female-only and you will get an all-female pediatric dentist in Queens NY.
How to find Queens Pediatric Dentist who sees patients after hours?
You can search for the pediatric dentist online to see which ones are available after normal working hours and see patients in case of emergency.
How can I book an appointment with a Pedodentist?
There are many pediatric dentists in Queens NY that you can visit and get your little one checked. You can simply search for the pediatric dentist on Google and will be able to locate the dentist nearest to your location and can call them to request an appointment either the same day or as per the availability. A very notable Queen’s NY dentist who is a pediatric dentist sits on 94th st Queens Blvd Rego Park Forest Hill NY
How can I book an appointment with a Pediatric Dentist in Queens?
With the help of the many online platforms, you can easily narrow down your searches and find the pediatric dentists in Queen NY who will accept your insurance. Just choose your carrier and the insurance plan that you have from the drop-down menu located at the top of the page of this website. Moreover, you can call a pediatric dentist by locating the preferred pediatric dentist that you want to visit and can ask them whether they are accepting your insurance plan or not.
How can I book an appointment with a Pediatric Dentist in Queens?
With many platforms, you can easily narrow down your search in finding the best Queens pediatric dentist near to you and can find the dentist who sees patients in the evening. Moreover, with a variety of pediatric dentists that are listed on this website, you can do a comparative analysis and select the best dentist that suits your needs.
How can I book an appointment with a Pediatric Dentist in Queens?
Using this website, you can find the best pediatric dentist available in Queens NY who sees patients in the morning and can select that dentist then. Further, you can also call the dentist individually that you have narrowed it down and ask them their timings.
Pediatric near me that accepts Medicaid
To find out which pediatric dentist accepts Medicaid you can simply check it from the Department of Health website of New York State and can find out which pediatric dentist is accepting Medicaid.
At what age should your child first see a dentist?
It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) to take your child for an oral checkup within one year or 6 months after the first tooth appears.
Should my child go to a pediatric dentist?
Yes, your child should at least have a dental examination with a pediatric dentist by the age of 1 and if it has not been done then it should be done whenever you can so that you can know the problems that your child might have and can take preventive measures if required at the earliest if necessary.
Do Pediatric dentists do surgery?
Yes, a pediatric dentist can perform various dental procedures including tooth extractions, crowns, fillings, gum surgery, tissue grafts, etc. if required as they have the expertise to carry these out.
Can Toddlers Get fillings?
Yes if your child has a cavity then your pediatric dentist will be able to carry out a dental filling to repair the damaged tooth.
Can a 3-year-old go to the dentist?
Yes, a three year can go to a dentist but a pediatric dentist is recommended for children aged from one year to their teenage years.
Can a minor be seen by a dentist without a parent?
It is recommended that a parent should be present during a dentist visit when the treatment is done to a minor and a dentist should get approval from the parents when doing a specific treatment.
How often should a child see the dentist?
A child should see a dentist in 6 months so that the dentist can keep an eye on any problems that might be growing in the teeth.
Are pediatric dentists more expensive?
Yes, they are a bit more expensive than the general dentist since their tools vary in addition to their specialized pieces of training and expertise in handling smaller jaws which the general dentist doesn’t have. Hence, they take more charges for the service that they provide.
Do dentists fill cavities in baby teeth?
Yes, the pediatric dentist can treat cavities since leaving cavities untreated can make them spread to other teeth as well so it will be more harmful hence it is recommended to get it treated ASAP even it happens in babies.
Do they put toddlers to sleep for fillings?
Yes, sedation is used in kids for various dental procedures like fillings etc.
Is it safe to sedate a toddler for dental work?
Yes, children are given mild sedative-like laughing gas with the use of a space mask that helps in keeping the child relaxed during the dental procedure.
How do dentists fill cavities in toddlers?
If the child has a small cavity, then the doctor will drill the affected tooth and then replace it with a tooth-colored resin to fill the hole that is in the tooth.
How do dentists treat cavities in toddlers?
Cavities are treated in toddlers by drilling the affected tooth and then filling it with tooth-colored resin in the hole left in the tooth.
How often should a 3-year-old go to the dentist?
A three year should go to a dentist every 6-12 months so that a child can get to know a dentist.
How do I get my 15-month-old to brush her teeth?
You can try the following ways to encourage your 15month to brush teeth:
How do I prepare my toddler for a dentist?
You should prepare the child and talk with them regarding the importance of a dental checkup. Moreover don’t frighten the child by scaring or telling anything scary concerning a doctor generally and don’t surprise them by taking them to a dentist in a haste.
Can someone else take my child to the dentist?
Yes, that is possible but you will have to seek the permission of the doctor that you will not be with the child during the dental appointment.
How do I get my 15-month-old to brush her teeth?
You can try the following ways to encourage your 15month to brush teeth:
1. Let them take a lead in brushing
2. Don’t fight over toothpaste and get her involved by letting her hold brush
3. Ask your dentist to reinforce the importance of brushing teeth
When is root canal done?
Root canal is one of the most common treatments done on an infected tooth.
Which Pediatric Dentist in Queens is open on Saturday?
You can find the list of Pedodentist in Queens open on Saturday here.
Which Pediatric Dentist in Queens is open on Sunday?
You can find the list of Pedodentist in Queens open on Sunday here.
How can I find a top-rated Pediatric Dentist in Queens?
You can check the list on top of this page.