What to Ask a Pediatrician During a Meet and Greet

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Choosing a pediatrician to care for your child’s health and well-being is a crucial decision.

A pediatrician isn’t just a doctor – they ideally become a trusted advisor who plays a vital role in your child’s development from infancy through adolescence.

A “meet and greet” offers a chance to interview prospective pediatricians, ask questions, and get a sense of whether they’re the right fit for your family.

This comprehensive guide covers essential questions to ask a pediatrician during a meet and greet to help you select the best healthcare partner for your child.

Questions About the Pediatrician

Questions About the Pediatrician

The first set of questions is about the pediatrician themselves. These provide insight into their qualifications, experience, and general outlook on pediatric care.

  • Are you Board-certified?

Board certification validates that a pediatrician possesses the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to deliver high-quality pediatric care. It underscores their commitment to staying up-to-date with evolving medical standards.

  • How long have you been in practice?

An experienced pediatrician has had exposure to a variety of medical situations. While new pediatricians are undoubtedly well-trained, years of hands-on work can be invaluable in building confidence and expertise.

  • What are your interests or specializations within pediatrics?

Certain pediatricians focus on areas like asthma management, behavioral health, or adolescent medicine. If your child has specific needs, it’s beneficial to find a pediatrician with relevant expertise.

  • What is your general philosophy regarding childcare?

This open-ended question gives insight into a pediatrician’s overall approach. You could ask about their views on sleep training, nutrition, discipline, or other important aspects of parenting.

Their answers help gauge alignment with your own beliefs.

Questions About the Practice

Understanding how a pediatrician’s office operates is key to ensuring easy access to care and a smooth overall experience.

  • What are your office hours?

Find out regular weekday hours and if they have extended evening or weekend hours. A practice with flexible hours aligns better with working parents’ schedules.

  • How do you handle after-hours calls or emergencies?

Inquire if the pediatrician is on call after hours, who covers them, and the procedure for urgent medical situations. Knowing this in advance minimizes stress if it arises.

  • Do you offer telehealth appointments?

Telemedicine has become increasingly common. Know if virtual visits are an option for non-urgent checkups, follow-up questions, or simple concerns. This adds convenience and can save time.

  • Which hospital are you affiliated with?

This is especially important if your child has existing conditions or if there’s a higher chance of potential hospitalization. Being familiar with the hospital and staff eases stress in such situations.

  • What is your office policy regarding sick vs. well visits?

It’s helpful to know if the practice has separate waiting areas or appointment timing for healthy and sick children. This minimizes your child’s exposure to contagious illnesses.

Questions About Your Child’s Care

Now, the focus shifts to questions specific to your child’s health and how the pediatrician plans to provide care.

These questions might vary slightly depending on your child’s age and circumstances.

  • What is your approach to vaccinations?

This is an essential conversation; understanding your pediatrician’s stance on vaccinations is vital. Are they strongly pro-vaccine? Do they follow the recommended immunization schedule, and are they open to discussing potential concerns you might have?

  • How do you handle [ask any specific concerns – developmental issues, frequent illnesses, etc.]?

If your child experiences specific medical or developmental challenges, ask how the pediatrician approaches managing those. Get insight into their experience and their suggested plan of care.

  • Do you provide parent education resources?

As a parent, you want access to reliable information. Does the pediatrician offer pamphlets, recommend websites, or have programs focusing on child development, safety, or nutrition? A pediatrician invested in parent education empowers you to make informed decisions.

Logistical Questions

Practical and logistical considerations play a big role in the overall healthcare experience. These questions ensure there are no inconvenient surprises down the line.

  • Do you accept my insurance?

Verifying insurance acceptance upfront is absolutely crucial. Ask about your specific plan, copays, whether referrals are required for specialists, and what happens if your insurance changes.

  • What is your billing process?

This helps you plan for out-of-pocket expenses. When do you receive bills? What payment methods are accepted? Find out their office policy for missed appointments or late payments.

  • How easy is it to schedule appointments?

Is there an online portal, or do you need to call? How far in advance are appointments usually booked? What’s the process for same-day sick visits? Knowing this makes managing care more straightforward.

Why Choose a Pediatrician Meet and Greet?

A prenatal meet and greet, especially for first-time parents, gives you peace of mind. You can discuss your expectations, learn about the practice, and build rapport before your baby arrives.

If you’re moving or switching pediatricians, these consultations give you the chance to ensure a smooth transition for your child’s care.

The focus of the meet and greet should be about finding a pediatrician whose approach and personality align with your parenting philosophy.

Ultimately, this paves the way for a lasting, open relationship centered around your child’s health.


Here are some common questions parents have about the meet and greet itself:

  1. Should I take my child to the meet and greet?

    There’s no right or wrong answer! With newborns, it might be easier to leave them at home. Older children could benefit from observing the interaction. However, factor in how your child might handle a new environment.

  2. What if I don’t have specific questions prepared?

    It’s completely normal, especially for first-time parents. Focus on getting a sense of the pediatrician’s personality, communication style, and office atmosphere. Even basic conversation offers insight into their demeanor.

  3. What are some ‘red flags’ to watch out for when meeting a pediatrician?

    Trust your instincts. Watch for dismissive attitudes, unwillingness to answer questions, outdated advice, or a negative staff dynamic. Lack of genuine interest in you and your child is a cause for concern.

Dr. Mary G. Trice

About Dr. Mary

Dr. Mary G. Trice is a renowned pedodontist based in Queens, NY. With an unwavering dedication to children's dental health. In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Trice is the writer and manager behind the informative platform pediatricdentistinqueensny.com. Through this site, she offers valuable insights, tips, and resources for parents and guardians, aiming to bridge the gap between professional dental care and everyday oral hygiene practices at home.